We headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house as soon as the morning chores were done. The kids were excited to be heading to Middletown but a little disappointed that some of their cousin weren't going to be able to spend the day with them. Callie was very disappointed that Connor and Corby weren't going to be there because we had their names for Christmas and she personally picked out their gifts. For Connor she choose horses and also a truck and trailer, she done this knowing that Connor loves horses and she was hoping to make him like her a little better since he tells her he hates her at every 4-H meeting that he hates her, when all else fails try a bribe. For Corbin she picked a t-shirt with saying some smart comment on it because she thinks he is a lot like his father and would enjoy it. So she is hoping that both boys enjoyed their gifts.
I wasn't quick enough with the camera Grandma had been rocking Alicia. I thought Alicia was getting a little big to be on Grandmas lap only to be told by both of them that she's not to big yet.
Alicia loved her gifts that she got at Grandma and Grandpas. She recieved Horton hears a Who, she loves it its was the second one of the season and she is not sure she is going to return it for another movie. She also recieved books and has already read all of them because as she saids "they are just awsome". Even with all her difficulty she still loves reading.
Kelly and Alicia are helping Aunt Donna pass out the gifts from under the tree.
Callie and Nicholas snuggling on the couch, I believe they were wanting to take a nap apparently they stayed up late waiting on Santa to hurry up and then the little girls were out of bed extra early. 5am was a little eary for all of us. We had planned on getting up early since Callie and Nicholas needed to be at his parents to watch his siblings open gifts also but we hadn't planned on being up quite that early.
Heather and Kole and of course Grandpa Howard was always close by no matter who was holding little Kole, reminds me of when his kids were babies.
Nancy and Grandbaby Kole.
Grandma and Grandpa have a lot of Sassy little women and here are three of the most sassy. When these three are on the same team its like gang warfare, just get out of the way because they play to win and don't mind blood shed.
Audrey had just finished telling a "beaver" story. She always has a new facinating story each time the family gathers, apparently hospital work is never boring for the Doctor.
Kyle was getting personal with Pictionary Man. However Alicia had everone stumped with her version of a Surfer Dude, it was very well drawn it was just that her cousins had their minds in the gutter.
Aren't they B E A utiful?
The Cousin were playing Uno and being roudy if you can believe that.
Leonard Santa
13 years ago