Thursday, September 17, 2009

"MOM, I need you to WACK my hair

This is what I heard first think this morning. Having overslept this is what I heard from my bedroom door at 6:30 this morning. Alicia was up, dressed and was needing some help fixing her hair. There is a couple of pic's of what we came up with, the best I could do on such short notice but she loved it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tractor ride

TJ and Andi never forget anything. Last week they wanted "Shon" to take them for a tractor ride and Uncle John told them the next time they came over they could have one. So TJ kept reminded me that he wanted to go to the tractor. John was gone so Nathan and Guy got the honors. A short ride was all it took and now Andi wants to ride the combine and TJ wants to ride in the big trucks. I guess I know what we will be doing the next time the Belts come over to play.

Miss Andi had to ride first. Nathan couldn't believe how she could talk. Andi was glad to tell us about the Mizzou game and Washington won the game. I didn't know that Washington was a Mizzou player and Steffance is not a player but is Defense. Washington and Steffance won the game according to Andi.

TJ loved the tractor ride and I am sure he will be wanting to go the next time he is over at the house.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


TJ and Andi came over to visit while Jessi worked. TJ wanted to go see the Moo's and Andi decided that she had to go along she said her brother couldn't go by his self. Callie and I got a few pictures of them petting Kelly's bottle show calf that she showed last year at the fair.

Mr. Gloves. John put on his gloves so that he could throw corn stalks to the cows and TJ wanted the extra pair on. A little big but they worked.

Monday, September 7, 2009


The kids got a new puppy, an Australia Shepard. John bought it for them and now I get to take it with me everyday. I said yes to the dog as long as I had to have nothing to do with it, that lasted about 12 hours.