Monday, July 14, 2008

Monroe City Fair

J.T., Kelly and Alicia attended the Monroe City Fair. The Francis Gang was to meet us there but being a bunch of losers (according to Tony) they didn't make it to show lambs. However the kids had a great time visiting with their Sheep Friends. Alicia was glad to see Becky & Glen at the fair. But Poor Glen was being bossed by both girls, lucky for Alicia, Becky already has him well trained. We took gobs of photos at the fair here are a few of them. Kelly and Becky laughed through most of the show.

Alicia had been helping but she got hot and needed a break. She didn't even last through one lamb.

Kelly showing a junior ewe lamb.

JT showing a market lamb.

Becky helping Kelly showing a lamb.

Heath, Connor and Quin showed up to watch the sheep show. Alicia was busy running to the concession stand for ice pops. The guys at the concession stand say that she was their best customer.

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