Sunday, January 11, 2009

How much LONGER?

We are getting pretty excited about getting to move. We are hoping to start moving next weekend the only thing that might hold us up is that the countertops did not arrive like they were suspose to (counter tops are setting in Decatur) but it seems as that may only delays are move by a couple of days. (No Mom, I did not yell and scream I didn't have to our contractor was right on top of it) We really haven't started packing since we don't have to be out of are old house,Thank God. I can't imagine building, having a timeline to move plus doing everyday things.

Alicia brought me down stairs to look at what they had done in her room and the bathroom. She was really impressed with the shower doors until I said "oh my if someone comes into the bathroom while your in the shower they will see your little fat naked body." She made quit a face and then realizes that no one but Kelly should be in her bathroom because Kelly is the only one she has to share with.

Kelly poses for a picture in the doorway leading into her room.

John and J.T. checking out the furnace.

Alicia poses with the kitchen cabinets. I didn't take the camera with me the last time we were at the house. More work has been done since these pictures were taken.


  1. How exciting!! We cant wait to see your new house all finished!!

  2. I agree- how exciting! We are hoping to come by and get the grand tour next time we are back in MO- it should be the end of January (hopefully)!

  3. Looking good! Countdown has begun.....I'm sure a long time ago for you right???!!!!
