Thursday, December 10, 2009

Santa Claus Came to Town

The kids got to see Santa at our 4-H Christmas Program in early December. As you can see they had a wonderful time.

Santa told Alicia that she was on the Naughty list but still had time to redeem herself since it was early in the holiday season.

Aaron's first visit with Santa. After all the others children visited with Santa, Santa asked for Aaron to come back to see him. We have lots of pictures of Santa and Aaron. Santa also told Callie that should her and Nicholas need a sitter he would love to watch little Aaron for them.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Big Three Weeks

Aaron was three weeks old yesterday. I can't believe how much he has changed in three short weeks.

Friday, November 20, 2009

One Shot One Kill

Kelly shot her first deer a 10 point buck, opening morning of deer season, John took the morning off work to go deer hunting. Kelly shot her first buck at 7:38 she wasted no time. I have never seen a child so excited, she showed her kill to everyone around. Of course all of John's friend made a big fuss over her, but I guess they should have since she was the only one who killed anything that morning. One shot one kill is what Nick is always telling her when they are shooting cause you shouldn't waste bullets. It's a good thing it only took one shot because she was using John's gun and she was sore most of the day, but she said it was worth it.

Meet Aaron Casper Pfanner

I do believe they are smitten with the little man.

On the phone with her Grandma Barb to tell her the news.

I got to be there when Aaron Casper was born it the most awesome incredible thing I have very witnessed in my life. My daughter did great I'm not sure I realized how amazing my daughter truely is until that moment.

The Night Before Aaron

The night before Mr. Aaron Casper decide to join the world, we took a couple of pictures of his momma's belly becuase she was feeling a little weird. I thought it might be our last chance.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"MOM, I need you to WACK my hair

This is what I heard first think this morning. Having overslept this is what I heard from my bedroom door at 6:30 this morning. Alicia was up, dressed and was needing some help fixing her hair. There is a couple of pic's of what we came up with, the best I could do on such short notice but she loved it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tractor ride

TJ and Andi never forget anything. Last week they wanted "Shon" to take them for a tractor ride and Uncle John told them the next time they came over they could have one. So TJ kept reminded me that he wanted to go to the tractor. John was gone so Nathan and Guy got the honors. A short ride was all it took and now Andi wants to ride the combine and TJ wants to ride in the big trucks. I guess I know what we will be doing the next time the Belts come over to play.

Miss Andi had to ride first. Nathan couldn't believe how she could talk. Andi was glad to tell us about the Mizzou game and Washington won the game. I didn't know that Washington was a Mizzou player and Steffance is not a player but is Defense. Washington and Steffance won the game according to Andi.

TJ loved the tractor ride and I am sure he will be wanting to go the next time he is over at the house.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


TJ and Andi came over to visit while Jessi worked. TJ wanted to go see the Moo's and Andi decided that she had to go along she said her brother couldn't go by his self. Callie and I got a few pictures of them petting Kelly's bottle show calf that she showed last year at the fair.

Mr. Gloves. John put on his gloves so that he could throw corn stalks to the cows and TJ wanted the extra pair on. A little big but they worked.

Monday, September 7, 2009


The kids got a new puppy, an Australia Shepard. John bought it for them and now I get to take it with me everyday. I said yes to the dog as long as I had to have nothing to do with it, that lasted about 12 hours.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Kelly played ball Thursday night. The girls played great not sure how but they tied I didn't realize in the Chic Division that you could tie but apparently you do whatever the home team wants. Kelly had a pretty good game and got to tryout a few different positions.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey Katie! This post is for you.

Ok Katie I am going to put of some pic's of your son for you to steal if you like or use to get him to tell you about them. Please remind him about what I told him about him being smart and not to repeat everything he heard this weekend. Oh and just so you know they guys didn't point out the "working girls" to him just to JT. So both boys got an education this weekend. Oh and I am not responsible for anything he learned from Darren. Lol's I don't have very many pic's of the kids I was a bad parent.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Games of the Season

Kelly and Alicia both played their first games of softball on Thursday night. Kelly was on field one and Alicia on field two. with me coaching Kelly's team I didn't get to see any of Alicia's game and of course she was fine with that. When I asked if they won she said "No but I sure had fun." Then she was off to get her first hot dog of the ball season. Kelly had a great game a couple of hits, tagged a girl out who was stealing second and all that. The team had a great game their first win of the season. Of course we have no pictures Callie forgot to take the camera to Alicia's and I forgot the other one to take to Kelly's maybe next time.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Alicia's First Grade Trip

The first grade class went to MIZZOU they toured the Entomology and Reptile Musemuns. Alicia loved the snakes and the Hissing Cockroaches. She especially loved it when it was feeding time, it was not tramatic at all for Alicia, she found it quite facinating. Luckily her teacher Miss Huffman had her class very well prepared for what they might see. Alicia has had a wonderful and sucessful school year thanks to being in Miss Huffmans class. Alicia is hoping that Miss Huffman can go to second grade with her and so am I.

Trip after the Trip

These girls hang together all the time. Kelly, Abbie, Kate (Katelyn) and Sydnee spend a lot of time at our house. Almost every weekend Kelly has a sleepover which sometimes starts on Friday and ends on Sunday. These girls are great friends and have so much fun when they are together plus they clean everything up before they go home. Its pretty easy for John and I to say yes any time they ask to get together. This is just a group of low maintance girls, polite, happy, go to bed early or make little noise, they are just a great group. Anyway, back to the trip after the trip part, after the class trip Rita (Katelyn's mom) and I took them on a nature walk and then shopping. Here are a few of the pictures I took of the girls, actually I have 140+ pictures from the day. These are from the nature walk, Rita and I were to busy at the mall carrying shopping bags that we didn't have time to take pictures.

Kelly's Class Trip

The 5th grade class went to Jefferson City to the Highway Patrol Musmeum and the Runge Conservation Center it was a blast.


Mrs. Dunlap, Kate, Kelly, Abbie, Alexis, Dakota and Sydnee

Kelly, Alexis and Sydnee

I call them the Fab Five, Callie calls them the Goof Troop.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

D.A.R.E Graduation

The Fifth Grade had their DARE Graduation today and each recieved a DARE t-shirt, a DARE Lion and several other DARE items.

Here is Kelly recieving her certificate from Deputy Sue the DARE Officer.

Mrs. Dunlap's 5th grade class

The Four Friends; Sydnee, Abbie, Kelly and Katelyn

This is how they really act...all the time.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Kelly and her favorite lamb Wuzzy and he has a twin sister named Fuzzy. You know Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, or in this case a pair of little Southdown lambs

Wuzzy is a shy little lamb that Kelly pays special attention, she brushes the dirt off of him and talks to him

Alicia say "Wuzzy is palm fed, You know she feeds him out of the palm of her hand." Wuzzy gets extra attention every day. She is hoping that he will grow and that she can show him at the fairs this summer. I'm afraid that he may be on the trailer with all the other lambs even if he doesn't grow out. You show them because they are cute, right?