Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hey Katie! This post is for you.

Ok Katie I am going to put of some pic's of your son for you to steal if you like or use to get him to tell you about them. Please remind him about what I told him about him being smart and not to repeat everything he heard this weekend. Oh and just so you know they guys didn't point out the "working girls" to him just to JT. So both boys got an education this weekend. Oh and I am not responsible for anything he learned from Darren. Lol's I don't have very many pic's of the kids I was a bad parent.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously did you give my kids some drugs or are his eyes from chlorine OD!!! Thanks for taking pics! He is still talking about the great weekend! Guess I will have to come up one ahead now! Thanks! :)
