Sunday, March 29, 2009

Their First School Dance

The Senior Class had a Grade School dance to raise money. It looked as if it was a big sucess when I dropped Alicia, Kelly and the other girls off, the elementary lunch room was full of kids.

Of course Kelly and her friends thought they were way to cool to go until I said that if they went to the dance they could come over to our house to get ready and then of course afterwards they could come for pizza and to spend the night.

The girls posed for a group picture: Alicia, Sydnee, Kelly, Abbie, and Katelyn.

Of course Alicia was the only one brave enought to have her picture taken by herself.

Ok so she does love to pose for the camera....

And this is when the trouble started......

The girls seem to have had a good time at the dance and a little after midnight I yelled for them to get to bed or at least quiet down so the rest of us could get some sleep.

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