Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another House Update

The house is coming along nicely. Roy and Rusty Goodhart and their guys are doing an amazing job. I can't wait until they get it finished. I know we are going to love the house and all the room. The girls love going up to the house site especially after finding that someone had drawn smiley faces on the plastic covering the windows. We go every night just to see if the guys have drawn on anything else. The girls have now drawn all over almost everything. They have even traced over where Rusty has marked where he will be installing the outlets. Who knows we may have more outlets than we planned.
Here are pictures that Callie took just a couple of days ago, not much has changed, Roy is working on the plumbing and Rusty is pulling wires everywhere. Hopefully next week they will be ready for the drywall people to come in and get started.

This is the view from the patio, hopefully by this weekend the dirt piles will be gone.

This is the view from my deck I can't wait until I can set on my deck and drink coffee in the mornings.

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