Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cheering the Cheerleader

We were back to Moberly last night to Cheer the Cheerleaders. Of course Nicholas is always quick to let us know that he is only there to cheer one Cheerleader.

The Grey Hound Mascot MaJiC was playing with the kids, the girls love watching MaJiC dance and shake a tail.

Here Callie is sharing her soda with MaJic.

Nicholas was getting a look from Callie. I don't believe that Nicholas and J.T. will be allowed to set together at the next game. J.T. just kept trying to get Nicholas in trouble with Callie and I believe it was working. By now you would think that Callie would know not to believe anything her brother says.

Alicia is keeping her self busy. Her and Kelly take there colorbooks in case they get tired of watching the game.

Here Alicia is crying for a hotdog the poor starving baby couldn't believe that no one was willing to walk to the concession stand with her.

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